Hosta 'White Wall Tire'

T. Avent 96

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Item #: 2000

Zones: 3a to 9b

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 12" tall

Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 2 qt. (1.9 L)

Our unique 1998 introduction combines the durability of Hosta 'Undulata' with the growth form of Hosta 'Fortunei'. The 3' wide clumps emerge white in spring and gradually develop more and more green speckles as the season progresses...sure to be the conversation piece in any garden! In late summer, the clumps are topped with sturdy 30" scapes of light lavender flowers...a hummingbird haven. Hosta 'White Wall Tire' needs good morning sun to color well.