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Hosta 'Miss America' PP 32,068

Walters Gardens 21

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Item #: 16522

Zones: 3a to 8b

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 19" tall

Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 3 qt. (2.8 L)

Regular price $29.00
Regular price Sale price $29.00
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Hosta 'Miss America' is an absolutely outstanding Hans Hansen/Walters Gardens introduction that originated from a cross of a streaked Hosta 'American Sweetheart' and the giant Hosta nigrescens 'Elatior'. The result is a stunning, large-growing hosta to 19" tall x 55" wide. The glossy-green, thick-substanced leaves are each decorated with a prominent wide white central pattern. The clumps are topped with 5' tall spikes of white flowers in mid-summer. Hosta 'Miss America' has shown excellent vigor in our garden trials.