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Hosta 'Glory'

B. Savory 85

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Item #: 2431

Zones: 3a to 8b

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 11" tall

Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 3 qt. (2.8 L)

H. 'Glory' went on my "must-have" list as soon as I saw it many years ago in the Savory's Minnesota garden. Decades later, it is still one of the top golden hostas ever introduced. This H. 'August Moon' hybrid from the late Bob Savory is a little-known but excellent gold-leaved hosta. The clump of thick, bright-gold leaves (8" long x 8" wide) is stunning in a lightly shaded garden. In late spring, the clump is topped with 2' scapes of light purple flowers.