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Cyrtomium fortunei 'Ulleung Island'

Ulleung Island Fortune's Holly Fern

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Shop Available Cyrtomium
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Item #: 4278

Zones: 6a to 9b, at least

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 20" tall

Culture: Part Sun to Shade

Origin: Korea

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Cyrtomium fortunei 'Ulleung Island' is our 2002 spore-grown introduction, from our 1997 expedition to the volcanic Ulleung Island off the Korean coast. We originally had this fern identified as Cyrtomium balansae but are now certain that it is actually a form of Cyrtomium fortunei. This holly fern is one we found as a single clump growing in a moist woodland area with Disporum flavum at 3,000' elevation on Ulleung Island. The pinnae are much narrower than the typical forms in the trade and up to 3.5" long, which is nearly 1/3 longer than our other introduction, Cyrtomium fortunei 'China Ruffles'. In the garden, Cyrtomium fortunei 'Ulleung Island' has matured into a dramatic 20" tall x 4' wide, evergreen, deer-resistant clump.