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Cortaderia egmontiana 'Plume Delight'

Plume Delight Early-Flowering Pampas Grass

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Item #: 7949

Zones: 7b to 10b, at least

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 42" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: Chile

Pot Size: 2 qt. (1.9 L)

(Cortaderia pilosa var. minima ECEH00067) Cortaderia 'Plume Delight' is one of the few Chilean (south central Chile near Conquillo) plants that has thrived in our climate. This amazing Eric Hammond/Dan Hinkley introduction is a pampas grass that starts flowering for us in July (NC), over a month before any other pampas grass clones have started. The 3.5' tall x 9' wide clump of glaucous green foliage is topped, starting in June, with lovely, 6' tall, tan plumes. If you like pampas grass, you'll welcome the chance to extend the flowering season.