Buddleia marrubiifolia 'Presidio'

Marrubium Leaf Butterfly Bush

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Item #: 3174

Zones: 8a to 10b, at least

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 48" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: Mexico, United States

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Buddleia marrubifolia is a fascinating North American native butterfly bush, that's virtually unknown by anyone outside of its native range on the US/Mexico border...near the famous "wall". Most folks wouldn't recognize it as a butterfly bush, since it looks more like shrubby lamb's ear. Marrubium-leaf butterfly bush forms a compact shrub to 3.5' tall x 4' wide, clothed with small, round, felty, silver dollar-sized, evergreen silver leaves. From late spring through summer, the tips of each branch are home to marble-sized fuzzy orange balls... yes, these are the flowers. Buddleia marrubifolia is native to limestone slopes, so good drainage and a pH above 6.5 is best. Our selection Buddleia 'Presidio' was made by plantsman Patrick McMillan from the coldest location this species occurs in Presidio, Texas.