Gentians prefer a sunny site with consistent moisture, but will not tolerate being waterlogged. In the right spot, gentians will provide you with beautiful blue, butterfly-attracting flowers in late summer or fall.

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More Information About Gentiana

Gentians are a group of small-growing perennials, renowned both for their medicinal properties and cobalt blue flowers. Most gentian flowers will not normally tolerate our hot humid summers here in North Carolina, however, we are pleased to offer some gentians which we have found to be good garden specimens in a wide range of growing conditions.

Tips for Growing Gentians

Gentians prefer a sunny site with consistent moisture, but will not tolerate being waterlogged. In the right spot, gentians will provide you with beautiful blue, butterfly-attracting flowers in late summer or fall. Most gentians have bell-shaped blooms that are popular with hummingbirds. Gardeners can combine gentians with other moisture-loving plants such as carex, bletilla, sabatia, and iris to create beautiful color and texture combinations. Gentian flowers are perfect for rock gardens, alpine beds, containers or the front of a perennial border. When you are ready to buy gentians for your perennial garden, check out our online offering of gentians for sale.