Erythrina prefers full to partial sun and hot temperatures. Each year the erythrina stems shoot up from the ground and are laden with terminal flower clusters...a hummingbird and butterfly favorite.

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More Information About Erythrina

The genus Erythrina is a pea relative (Fabaceae) whose species usually grow in tropical or subtropical locations. Those of you on the West Coast or in Hawaii may know erythrina as the 'coral tree'.

Here in the Southeast US we have a few Erythrina selections that display some cold tolerance and grow as dieback perennials. Each year the erythrina stems shoot up from the ground and are laden with terminal flower clusters...a hummingbird and butterfly favorite.

Erythrina prefers full to partial sun and hot temperatures but is otherwise not very picky. The leaves of erythrina have a mind of their own, and will change orientation throughout the day in order maximize their light interception (science nerds call this heliotropism). Erythrina combines well with other drought-tolerant hummingbird and butterfly plants such as buddleia or lantana. When you are ready to buy coral beans for your garden, check out our selection of cold hardy erythrina for sale.