The genus Amicia contains 8 species native from Mexico to Argentina, but only the Mexican species Amicia zygomeris is commonly used as an ornamental in temperate gardens. Amicia zygomeris is a medium-sized shrub that prefers moist, well-drained soil and full sun but is otherwise tolerant of a wide range of conditions. The yellow flowers of Amicia zygomeris open in the autumn. When you are ready to buy amicia for your garden or home, check out our list of amicia for sale.

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More Information About Amicia

The genus name Amicia commemorates the Italian scientist Giovanni Amici who distinguished himself by making early microscopic observations of the movement of fluids within plants. However, Amicia also means "Dearly loved" or "Beloved" or "Friend" in Latin. We think that you will "amicia" this plant for its unusual look. Although Amicia has pretty golden flowers, its most unusual feature is its large, orbicular, yellow-purple stipules (leaf-like organs that are usually very small and inconspicuous). A less noticeable but also very curious feature of Amicia is that the leaves move. During the day, the leaves are held outward so that their tops are facing up to the sky, but at night (or when stressed), they relax and fold downwards so that the leaf face is perpendicular to the sky (this process is called nyctinasty).