Tricyrtis 'Seiryu'
Seiryu Taiwanese Toad Lily
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Shop Available TricyrtisItem #: 1141
Zones: 6a to 8b
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 24" tall
Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade
Origin: Taiwan
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
(aka: Tricyrtis formosana 'Seiryu') Tricyrtis 'Seiryu' is the correct name for the plant sold as Tricyrtis 'Hototogisu'...which is nothing more than the Japanese common name for tricyrtis. Tricyrtis 'Seiryu' is almost certainly a hybrid of two Taiwanense toad lilies, Tricyrtis formosana and Tricyrtis lasiocarpa. The 2' tall stalks of Tricyrtis 'Seiryu' are topped with openly branched, terminal flower clusters from late August until October (NC). Each orchid-like flower is white with tiny burgundy spots at the base, morphing to lavender blue on the flower tips and highlighted by a lavender propeller-like central structure that holds the sex parts. This easy-to-grow toad lily hybrid is slowly rhizomatous and in good woodland soil will make a wonderful patch to 3' wide in 2 years.

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Other Attributes
Genus: Tricyrtis
Flower Color: Multicolor , Purple/Lavender
Leaf Color: Green
Container Role: Fillers
Other: Cut Flower Plants , Pollinator Plants , Plants from Japan , Plants Named After Animals , Rabbit Resistant Plants , Tropical Looking Plants