Scutellaria orientalis ssp. oreophila 'Lilac Lullaby'
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Item #: 8819
Zones: 5a to 7b, at least
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 12" tall
Origin: Turkey
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
Does it strike you as strange a skullcap would have a name like 'Lilac Lullaby'? Sort of "hand that rocks the cradle" image, but I digress. We planted this Turkish cutie in our trials, expecting quick death as was the case with many of the nice skullcaps from the Balkans, but, a year later, we had a 1' tall x 2' wide clump, topped, from mid-April through May, with upright spikes of terminal clusters of light yellow parrot-head-like flowers, each with a blush of purple on the nose. We have been particularly impressed with its performance in our full sun rock garden. This gem was selected from a row of seedlings at Holland's Sahin Seed and later named by Greenleaf Plants...bravo!
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Genus: Scutellaria