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Polemonium reptans 'Blount Blues'

Blount Blues Jacob's Ladder

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Shop Available Polemonium
1 Review
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Item #: 16975

Zones: 3a to 7b

Dormancy: Spring

Height: 12" tall

Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade

Origin: United States

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Polemonium reptans 'Blount Blues' is a 2023 Plant Delights/JLBG introduction of our selection of the US native (Minnesota south to Alabama) early spring ephemeral. Most commercialized plants of Polemonium reptans are from colder regions and have a well-documented history of dying or severely sulking in our hot, humid climate. Our offering is nursery propagated from an original Zac Hill/Jeremy Schmidt collection at the southern end of its range in Blount County, Alabama. Not only does Polemonium 'Blount Blues' thrive for us, it produces enough seedlings so we can actually share this amazing, heat-loving seed strain. The 1' tall stalks emerge in late winter, and are topped for us, starting in late March with terminal clusters of dangling mauvy blue bells.