Hippeastrum 'Mead'

Mead's Hardy Amaryllis

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Item #: 8875

Zones: 7b to 11

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 20" tall

Culture: Sun to Part Sun

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Hippeastrum 'Mead' is an old turn of the 20th century strain of hippeastrum, developed by the late Dr. Theodore Mead of Florida. The strain, which comes true from seed, is incredibly winter hardy...coming to market long before the Dutch breeders bred out hippeastrum's natural winter hardiness. The large, white with red-striped flowers top the 20" stalks in late spring (NC). Usually the only way to obtain these is to troll old rural southern neighborhoods in spring with a shovel in hand.