Helleborus argutifolius 'Snow Fever' PP 23,880
Snow Fever Corsican Lenten Rose
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Shop Available HelleborusItem #: 10478
Zones: 7a to 8b
Dormancy: Evergreen
Height: 12" tall
Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade
Origin: Corsica
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
(aka: Helleborus COSEH 900) Helleborus argutifolius 'Snow Fever' has been a lovely surprise in our trials, sailing though our cold winter of 2013/2014 unscathed while all other Helleborus argutifolius forms were killed to the ground. The patent application lists Helleborus 'Snow Fever' as a cross of two seedlings, but there is obviously much more to this than they disclosed. To us, Helleborus 'Snow Fever' appears to be a tetraploid form of Helleborus 'Janet Starnes'. Whatever its background really is, it's a dramatic improvement over any other form of Helleborus argutifolius. Helleborus argutifolius 'Snow Fever' makes a 1' tall x 15" wide clump of extremely thick, trifoliate, heavily white speckled foliage. The clumps are topped, starting in early March, with terminal clusters of upright creamy flowers.

Other Attributes
Genus: Helleborus
Flower Color: White/Cream
Leaf Color: Variegated
Bloom Time: Winter
Container Role: Fillers
Garden Themes: Cottage Garden Plants , Fairy Garden Plants , Gnome Gardens , Rock Garden Plants , White Garden
Other: Cut Flower Plants , Deer Resistant Plants , Drought Tolerant Plants , Dry Shade Plants , Groundcovers , Pollinator Plants , Rabbit Resistant Plants , Rain Garden Plants