Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Biokovo'
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Shop Available GeraniumItem #: 2359
Zones: 3a to 8b
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 10" tall
Origin: Hybrid
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
From Germany's Hans Simon comes this naturally occurring hybrid combining the lovely evergreen foliage of G. macrorrhizum with the unique carpeting habit of G. dalmaticum. In late spring the mass is covered in flat white 1" flowers with pale pink centers. If it looks tired in mid summer like those who planted it, shear it back for a great return in the fall. G. 'Biokovo' has a very tidy habit...perfect for the front of a sunny or partially shaded bed.
An indispensable plant for the shade garden. Yes, this is a Geranium which wants shade, not hot sun. It is of year round interest. The pretty foliage is largely evergreen. A tiny percentage of the oldest foliage will turn red over many weeks before being shed (sort of like Cyrilla). This interspecific hybrid is sterile and this might account for its long bloom period. The only maintenance it requires is trimming off the spent flower stalks after bloom season. Established clumps can be divided and replanted to make larger plantings. It makes a great small scale, well behaved ground cover, really requiring the gardener to divide it and spread it around. Various cultivars differ in flower color, all nearly covering the foliage with flowers when in bloom.
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