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Erythronium rostratum 'Texas Runner'

Texas Runner Beaked Trout Lily

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Item #: 12213

Zones: 4a to 8b, at least

Dormancy: Summer, Fall

Height: 6" tall

Culture: Light Shade

Origin: United States

Pot Size: 2.5" pot (7.9 fl. oz/233 ml)

Erythronium rostratum 'Texas Runner' is an Aaron Floden collection from Sabine County, Texas, of the little-known, US-native beaked trout lily, which ranges from Ohio south to Texas. The heavily mottled foliage emerges for us in early February and is topped with large, out-facing bright yellow flowers starting in late February. This is the earliest of our Erythronium rostratum selections to emerge, and Aaron wonders if this may represent a new, undescribed species. Our 7-year-old plants have spread via underground runners to make a 3-4' wide patch. In the wild, these grow in moist, low woodland, but we have found them to perform exceptionally well in typical well-amended, average moisture garden soils. These stunning spring ephemerals are dormant by late April.