Epimedium epsteinii
Fairy Wings
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Shop Available EpimediumItem #: 2244
Zones: 5a to 9b
Height: 10" tall
Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade
Origin: China
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
This new, recently published species (1997) was discovered by the Beijing Botanic Garden and sent to Darrell Probst for identification. Darrell in turn asked the UK epimedium guru, the late Dr. William Stearn, to name the plant in honor of the late Harold Epstein. This splendid vigorous evergreen species makes a nice dense groundcover, spreading at the rate of 8" per year. The glossy foliage provides a nice foil to the stunning bicolor flowers (up to 30 per stalk)...large white spurs with a wine-purple central cup. This is a stunning new plant everyone is asking about!

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