Echeandia chandleri 'Sierra Chiquita'
Chandler's Shooting Star Lily
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Shop Available EcheandiaItem #: 3737
Zones: 7b to 9b, at least
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 48" tall
Origin: Mexico
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
This delightful lily relative is from our 1994 Mexican expedition, collected at 2,400' in elevation in the Sierra Chiquita Mountains. The 1' long x 1" wide basal foliage resembles a spider plant. In August, a spike begins to rise from the basal rosette, topping out in October at 4' tall. Along the top 3' of the stalk hang delightful golden-yellow dodecatheon-like, star-shaped flowers. For over 20 years, this has been a star in our fall garden. We have been surprised how well it has performed in light shade/part sun. The key seems to be well-drained soil.

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Genus: Echeandia