Dasylirion micropterum

Small-winged Sotol

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Item #: 17325

Zones: 7b to 10b

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 120" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: Mexico

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Regular price $30.00
Regular price Sale price $30.00
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We are thrilled to offer the recently (2016) described sotol species, Dasylirion micropterum. This new addition for dryland gardens, hails from a narrow range around 9,000' elevation in Mexican State of Coahuilla, on the western flank of the Sierra Madre Oriental. Occurring on alkaline slopes with scrubby oaks, the short-trunks (<15") are topped with a 7' wide crown of flat, dark green, ascending leaves. The plants are named (micropterum) for their small, narrow-winged fruit.