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Crinum x herbertii 'Candy Twist'

Candy Twist Crinum Lily

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Item #: 12789

Zones: 7a to 10b, possibly colder

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 30" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Crinum 'Candy Twist' is a found selection of Crinum x herbertii, discovered by the late Tom Perry that was subsequently named by crinum collector, Nestor White. Crinum 'Candy Twist' forms a medium-sized clump of 7' long glossy green, deeply-channeled leaves that reflex outward, forming an octopus-like clump. The clumps are topped with 30" tall spikes, starting in mid-May and continuing into August (NC), each topped with 16-18 large, widely-flared, fragrant blush pink flowers, highlighted by wide central raspberry stripes. The floral show of Crinum 'Candy Twist' is truly spectacular.