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Conradina canescens 'Gray Ghost'

Gray Ghost Redneck Rosemary

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Item #: 9986

Zones: 7b to 10b, at least

Dormancy: Evergreen

Height: 24" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: United States

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Conradina canescens is one of the wonderful dwarf shrubby mints that call the sandy soils of the southeastern US home. In habit and fragrance, conradinas resemble a dwarf rosemary. Conradina canescens is quite variable, but our offering is a cutting-propagated gray leaf selection that forms a 3' wide evergreen clump. The 2' tall upright stalks are clothed in fragrant short gray leaves and adorned in April with hundreds of small, light mauvy-lavender flowers. Being introverts and preferring to be left alone, conradina plants secretly secrete monoterpenes (I see all you chemists thinking "I'll take Organic Chemistry for $1,000, Alex"), which do the Arsenic and Old Lace routine to encroaching vegetation...especially grasses. In the garden, well-drained soils are essential for Conradina canescens to live long and prosper...we stole the lines.