Colocasia esculenta 'Chicago Harlequin'
Striped Elephant Ear
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Shop Available ColocasiaItem #: 3871
Zones: 7b to 10b, at least
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 60" tall
Origin: Asia, Hybrid
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
For those collectors of the truly amazing, you must try this new striped elephant ear. Colocasia 'Chicago Harlequin' was discovered by John Joicus of the Brookfield Zoo circa 1993, in a batch of normal Colocasia esculenta. The giant green leaves of C. 'Chicago Harlequin' are each blotched with large, lighter green, random sectors. The highlight, however, is the tall 5' stems, which are vividly striped with cream-and-green vertical bands. C. 'Chicago Harlequin' spreads rapidly in very wet areas by means of above-ground rhizomes.
Other Attributes
Genus: Colocasia
Other: Edimentals , Groundcovers , Plants Named After Animals