Chrysanthemum 'Gethsemane Moonlight'

Gethsemane Moonlight Hardy Garden Mum

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Shop Available Chrysanthemum
5 Reviews
| 3 answered questions

Item #: 9818

Zones: 5a to 9b

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 24" tall

Culture: Sun

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Chrysanthemum 'Gethsemane Moonlight' was spotted in an old garden in Conover, NC, by Janice Nicholson of Gethsemane Gardens, who subsequently named and distributed it. Chrysanthemum 'Gethsemane Moonlight' is no weakling like many of the garden mums sold today. In addition to its amazing winter hardiness, Chrysanthemum 'Gethsemane Moonlight' makes a rapidly expanding 2' tall x 4' wide clump topped, starting in early October, with large, 3", bright yellow daisies. Chrysanthemum 'Gethsemane Moonlight' has been a superb, frost-tolerant performer in our trials, but give it plenty of room.