Arisaema consanguineum
Blood-colored Himalayan Jack-in-the-Pulpit
This plant is not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use.
Shop Available ArisaemaItem #: 2524
Zones: 5a to 8b, possibly colder
Dormancy: Winter, Spring
Height: 30" tall
Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade
Origin: China
Pot Size: Bare Root / 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
Arisaema consanguineum is without a doubt one of the easiest-to-grow and garden-worthy of the Jack in the pulpits. In June the 30" tall stalks arise, topped with an unfurling radial leaf with up to 12 leaflets. The leaves of Arisaema consanguineum often have dramatic drip-tips...a nice added bonus. Alongside the leaf stalk is a large pitcher-like spathe (usually green or purple-and-white striped) with a large hood that ends in a long dangling thread. The thread now comes standard in all models to enable you to pull the hood closed during sex...a new Federal law if you live within 2 miles of a school or church.

Other Attributes
Genus: Arisaema
Flower Color: Green , Multicolor , Purple/Lavender
Leaf Color: Green
Bloom Time: Spring
Container Role: Thrillers
Garden Themes: Cottage Garden Plants
Other: Edimentals , Cut Flower Plants , Deer Resistant Plants , Dry Shade Plants , Pollinator Plants , Medicinal Plants , Ornamental Seed or Fruit , Plants from China , Plants Named After Animals , Tropical Looking Plants