Vernonia provides nice summer color, late season height, and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds into the perennial garden. The purple flowers of Vernonia look best in drifts, along the back of the border.

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More Information About Vernonia

Vernonia (Ironweed) is a wonderful and easy-to-grow sun perennial. The genus Vernonia is a large one, with about 1000 species and it lives in a large plant family, Asteraceae. Vernonia provides nice summer color, late season height, and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds into the perennial garden. We continue to trial an array of species for their garden value.

Vernonia (Ironweed) Growing Conditions

Vernonia are incredibly tough plants found in the wild in both the US and around the world, hence the common name ironweed. They are heat and humidity tolerant, dry and lean soils tolerant, and produce clusters of purple flowers in the late summer. The cultivars selected for garden use have stronger stems for less flopping as they mature. The airy purple flowers of ironweed look best in drifts, along the back of the border or mixed with yellow or white flowering perennials. Vernonia has a bitter taste and is usually avoided by herbivores like deer.