Tovara was a genus in the family Polygonaceae. Recent taxonomic changes moved tovara species into polygonum or persicaria (depending on the taxonomist), and retail growers may sell this plant under any of these names. Future changes may move the species into a genus called Antenoron (stay tuned). For the time being, we will continue to use the name tovara until the matter has settled down a bit.
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More Information About Tovara
Tovara contains 3 species, one native to eastern North America ( Tovara virginana) with the other two native to eastern Asia (T. filliforme and T. neofilliforme). The North American species, Tovara virginiana, is popular in the US as a shade loving foliage plant and there are several variegated cultivars on the market, most notably Tovara 'Painter's Palette'. Tovara can reseed quite prolifically in the garden and is a nice native perennial replacement for the annual coleus, where it can be combined with ferns, baptisia, or iris. When you're ready to buy tovara for your perennial garden, we hope you'll check out our online list of tovara for sale.