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More Information About Sporobolus
Sporobolus is an ornamental grass with a worldwide distribution containing roughly 160 species, a few of which are gaining popularity as drought-tolerant perennial ornamental grasses for the garden. The genus sporobolus is taxonomically closely aligned with Eragrostis and Muhlenbergia. Most species of Sporobolus live in tropical or subtropical regions in hot, dry, saline, alkaline, sandy, or clay conditions. One species of dropseed, Sporobolus heterolepis, is a dominant native grass species of the Great Plains and is popular as an ornamental. In other parts of the world, Sprobolus species are used as food, fodder, and fiber crops. In Mexico, sporobolus grass is used to create a popular type of folk art called popotillo or popote de cambray, a form of straw mosaic made by drying the stalks and weaving them into art.
Sporobolus wrightii is a medium to large size ornamental species with attractive seed heads, native to the western US and Mexico that has been gaining popularity as replacement for pampas grass (Cortaderia). The common name "dropseed" comes from the fact that sporobolus seeds do not persist on the seed stalks and are readily shed or used as food by many bird species. The name "sacaton" comes from "zacatl" , the Uto-Aztecan (Nahuatl) word for "coarse grass ".
Try pairing Dropseed with foliage plants like Colocasia, Manihot and Brunnera or with interesting flowering plants like Solidago, Perovskia and Lilium. Dropseed would be a great addition to a rain garden too. When you are ready to buy a sporobolus for your garden, check out our offering of dropseed for sale.