Sanguisorba (Burnet) is a close relative of the roses and the leaves are used by some as a pot herb or for medicinal purposes.

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More Information About Sanguisorba

Although the cluster of small red or white florets that top Sanguisorba plants look like crimson clover or a bottlebrush or even a catkin, the genus Sanguisorba (Burnet) is none of these is actually a close relative of the roses and of rubus in the family Rosaceae.

Like many Rosaceae members, Sanguisorba leaves (especially the European S. officinalis) may be used as an herb in salads or soups, or as a medicinal plant. Burnet flowers attract butterflies, and bees to the garden too. So there is a lot to like about this herb.

Sanguisorba (Burnet) Growing Conditions

Sanguisorba is a rhizomatous spreading perennial often used in soil stabilization and phytoremediation. Burnet prefers sunny spots and moist it would make a nice companion for Sabatia, Sarracenia, Elocharis and the like.