Ruscus are easy-to-grow perennials that prefer partial to deep shade and well-drained soil. Native from England through the Caucuses and into northern Africa, ruscus inhabits dry, rocky habitats.

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More Information About Ruscus

Ruscus is a bizarre but easy-to-grow group of evergreen shade perennials distantly related to lilies. They are popular in gardens as a low growing evergreen hedge, or a unique looking specimen plant, and some people grow ruscus, commonly called butcher's broom, as an attractive cut stem for flower arrangements.

Ruscus plants are born without leaves, left instead with prehistoric-looking cladodes as its 'foliage'. These cladodes are evergreen, thick, stiff and terminate in a needle-like point, making the plants as spiny (and deer resistant) as any cactus and perfect as a pint-sized barrier

Another plant called Poet's laurel is often also sold as 'Italian ruscus' but is in a different genus, Danae.

Ruscus (Butcher's Broom) Growing Conditions

Native from England through the Caucuses and into northern Africa, butcher's broom inhabits dry, rocky habitats and as you might expect, is drought-tolerant in the garden (although it grows and looks best with regular watering). Some ruscus produce a wonderful display of red-orange berries and gardeners should seek out these varieties for their gardens. Tough-as-nails and easy-to-grow, these perennials prefer partial to deep shade and well-drained soil.