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More Information About Phlebodium
Phlebodium is a small genus of subtropical South American ferns, with some hardy enough to be grown in the south as a garden fern. With their large lobes, phlebodium are somewhat coarse textured ferns that pair well with fine textured plants such as selaginella or carex. The large-lobed phlebodium fronds are evergreen except during very cold winters or winters with pronounced dry spells.
Like many garden ferns, Phlebodium species prefer part shade, consistent moisture and well-amended, well-drained soil. Once established, Phlebodium can tolerate drier sites but is by no means a xeric fern. Phlebodium plants look great mixed with other plants in a woodland border or rock garden. The genus Phlebodium is sometimes epiphytic and can also be grown on a wall. Because it can tolerate some dryness, phlebodium is a good fern for a container, too. When you are ready to buy phlebodium for your woodland garden, we hope you'll check out our online offering of phlebodium for sale.