Pachysandra spreads by rhizomes and slowly covers open ground to form a thick 8" deep colony. It is slow to fill in but you will have a thick carpet of leaves that will choke out any weeds.

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More Information About Pachysandra

The genus Pachysandra is a unique member of the boxwood family, containing only 3-4 species. One species, Pachysandra terminalis, is widely used as an evergreen groundcover for shady sites where nothing else will grow. The other popular species is the US (and North Carolina) native Pachysandra procumbens, which is a much slower spreader. Pachysandra is perfect under shallow-rooted trees and other problem sites. Gardeners have selected a handful of cultivars over the years, the best of which we offer to you.

Growing and Caring for Pachysandra

Pachysandra spreads by rhizomes and slowly covers open ground to form a thick 8" deep colony. Although slow to fill in, after 3 or 4 years, your pachysandra will be a thick carpet of leaves that will choke out any weeds that try to grow. Pachysandra prefers woodland conditions...acidic, consistently moist soil that is rich and well-drained. Once established, it is very drought-tolerant and deer-resistant. When growing in well-prepared organic soils, it is generally pest free.