When most people hear the word "jasmine", they think of a sweetly fragrant tropical vine in the genus Jasminum that is used in teas and perfumes. Fortunately for us here in the Southeast US, many species of jasminum are hardy enough for our gardens.

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More Information About Jasminum

The genus jasminum is quite large, with around 200 species, and is related to olives, forsythias, lilacs, privets, osmanthus, and ash trees. Jasminum flowers are typically white (sometimes yellow or red) with narrow petals. Jasminum have fragrant flowers that release their scent after the sun sets, perfuming the night air.

For thousands of years, gardeners have been growing jasminum. Many historical cultures revered and romanticized jasminum including the Byzantines, Sicilians, Florentines, Arabians, Persians, Indians and Chinese.

Jasminum is fairly easy to grow, preferring full/part sun and well-drained, consistently moist soil. Jasmines adapt well to acid or alkaline soils and once established are drought-tolerant. If jasmine is allowed to grow wild the branches will get quite long and weave in and out of nearby shrubs. When you are ready to buy jasminum for your perennial garden, we hope you'll check out our online offering of jasminum for sale.