Houstonia plants, petite and delightful, are ideal for spaces between pavers or in rock gardens, and create a charming carpet under daffodils or other bulbs. These species bloom abundantly in spring or summer, showcasing numerous tiny blue or white flowers.
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More Information About Houstonia
Houstonia is a genus of approximately 20 North American native species in the Rubiaceae (coffee) family. The genus Houstonia is named for William Houston, a botanist in the early 1700s who is also known as the man who introduced buddleia into cultivation. Houstonia are charmingly tiny plants suitable for growing between pavers or in a rock garden. It also makes an adorable carpet beneath daffodils or other bulbs. Houstonia species bloom in the spring or summer with hundreds of tiny blue or white flowers.
Houstonia Growing Conditions
Although not picky about their soil or exposure, Houstonia species prefer a sunny, slightly acidic site where they can consistently moist. When planted in the right location, houstonia will spread by rhizomes and seed to form a tightly knit carpet. Those of you who like to drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina can see large colonies of bluet (Houstonia caerulea and Houstonia serpyllifolia) lining the creeks, paths and roads.