Like zephyranthes, habranthus are great summer-flowering bulbs for naturalizing in the South. One habranthus in the right spot will grow into a large clump that produces many flowers during the season.

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More Information About Habranthus

Like zephyranthes, habranthus are great summer-flowering bulbs for naturalizing in the South. A habranthus specimen in the right spot will quickly grow into a large clump that produces many flowers during the season. In zones north of Zone 7, habranthus also make superb container specimens and rain garden plants.

Most habranthus species are native to dry desert-like conditions, but burst into flower in summer within 3-4 days after a rainstorm. Unlike zephyranthes, whose flowers tend to be up-facing, habranthus flowers face outwards and also tend to be larger and held on a taller stalk. Although habranthus bloom time can be erratic (since it is rain dependent), each bulb can bloom several times during the summer.

Habranthus bulbs should be planted shallow, with the neck just under the soil line. These are great drought-tolerant bulbs for the garden. When you are ready to buy habranthus plants for your garden, check out our online offering of habranthus for sale.