Eucalyptus are evergreen trees with attractive and fragrant bluish foliage that looks and smells great when cut for flower arrangements. Eucalyptus roots are wide spreading, which makes the plant drought-tolerant.

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More Information About Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is an Australian genus of over 700 woody species valuable for their timber, use as a food source for koalas, provider of wood for the Aboriginal musical instrument, the digeridoo, and for producing an aromatic oil used in cough drops and insect repellents. From our extensive winter hardiness trials during the cold 1990s we discovered only three species that didn't die completely at -1 degrees F, with Eucalyptus neglecta topping the list.

Eucalyptus are evergreen trees with attractive and fragrant bluish foliage that looks and smells great when cut for flower arrangements. Eucalyptus roots are wide spreading, which makes the plant drought-tolerant once established.

Eucalyptus prefers full sun and will grow quite rapidly if given plenty of water. In certain tropical parts of the country (Southern California, Hawaii), some eucalyptus species are considered to be pests because they grow fast and outcompete native plants for water. When you are ready to buy a cold-hardy eucalyptus for your perennial garden, we hope you'll check out our online list of eucalyptus for sale.