Choisya prefers full to part sun and well-drained, slightly alkaline soil. It will tolerate acid soil well, but too much shade will cause Choisya plants to grow lanky and produce fewer flowers.

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More Information About Choisya

Choisya is a small genus of evergreen shrubs that are botanical cousins of citrus trees. All 5 species of choisya are native to North America, growing primarily on high elevation hillsides and canyons of the desert Southwest and south into Mexico. Two species in particular are seen most often in gardens, Choisya ternata and Choisya arizonica. Two other species, the narrow-leaved dwarf Choisya dumosa and rare Choisya katherinae also have garden merit but are hard to find. Choisya is a very nice shrub where it is hardy, not only for its evergreen foliage but also for the masses of small white flowers that cover it for several weeks in spring or early summer. Choisya flowers are reminiscent of orange blossoms...sweetly fragrant, sometimes mild or sometimes strong. The leaves, too, are fragrant if bruised and have a pungent odor. Butterflies love choisya flowers and will flock to them.

Choisya is relatively easy to grow in Zone 8 and south. Choisya ternata will eventually reach 9' tall if never pruned but other species like C. dumosa are much smaller. Choisya prefers full to part sun and well-drained, slightly alkaline soil. It will tolerate acid soil well, but too much shade will cause Choisya plants to grow lanky and produce fewer flowers. Choisya roots prefer to grow near the soil surface so take care not to plant your specimen too deep. The plants are drought-tolerant once established and make excellent container specimens. When you're ready to buy choisya for your perennial garden, we hope you will check out our online list of choisya for sale.