Chelone is a great plant for the Southeast because not only is it pretty, but hummingbirds and butterflies like it and deer avoid it. In the wild, chelone grows in shady, damp habitats.

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More Information About Chelone

The genus Chelone contains four species of North American native perennials that are named after a mythical Greek nymph. The nymph Chelone was too loud at Zeus' wedding and as punishment was transformed into a tortoise by the angry god, condemning her to eternal silence. Chelone's summer-borne flowers look somewhat like a white or pink turtle's head, hence the scientific and common names.

Growing and Caring for Turtlehead

Chelone is a great plant for the Southeast because not only is it pretty, but hummingbirds and butterflies like it and deer avoid it. In the wild, turtlehead grows in shady, damp habitats but in the garden it tolerates conditions from soggy to typical garden soil in a sun to part sun location. Some selections are drought-tolerant.