Brunnera grows best in part-shade or shade and absolutely must have consistent moisture as the plants fade fast in dry conditions. The plants are deer-resistant and the flowers attract butterflies.

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More Information About Brunnera

The swiss botanist, Samuel Brunner, was a famous plant collector in the early 1800s who explored Crimea, the Caucasus, Siberia, Italy, and western Africa. He struck botanical gold when he discovered the now eponymous genus brunnera with its attractive, heart-shaped leaves and clusters of small, blue, forget-me-not-like flowers. The genus brunnera contains just 3 species and is very closely related to myosotis (Forget-me-nots). Brunnera is popular in northern Europe and the northern US where it thrives in cool, consistently moist locations.

Most southern gardeners have given up on brunnera as it does not like our hot, humid summers. Luckily for us, there are a couple of brunnera selections that can take the heat. The most popular is the ubiquitous Brunnera 'Jack Frost' with its white interveinal variegation. The beauty and toughness of Brunnera 'Jack Frost' led it to be named the 2012 perennial of the year by the Perennial Plant Association.

Brunnera grows best in part-shade or shade and absolutely must have consistent moisture as the plants fade fast in dry conditions. The plants are deer-resistant and the flowers attract butterflies. Try combining brunnera with carex, helleborus, or small ferns. When you are ready to buy brunnera for your garden, we hope you will check out our online list of brunnera for sale.