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Specialocasia vietnamensis 'Phat Chance'

Phat Chance Hybrid Elephant Ear

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Item #: 8455

Zones: 8b to 11

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 84" tall

Culture: Sun to Part Sun

Origin: North Vietnam

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Here's another plant you've never heard of before! In 2005, we were driving through the restricted military region of North Vietnam, along the Southern China border, when we spotted what appeared to be an elephant ear hybrid growing in a wild patch of Leucocasia (Colocasia) gigantea. It would take us years to get a confirmation from Aroid expert Peter Boyce that, indeed, we had discovered the first ever documented hybrid between elephant ear genera...Leucocasia gigantea x Alocasia odora. For 2020, Plant Delights/JLBG was pleased to introduce xSpecialocasia vietnamensis 'Phat Chance'. For us, the clumps of large, upright, heavily corrugated green leaves reach 7' tall, but in tropical areas/greenhouses with warm winter temperatures, it could get larger. When mature, xSpecialocasia is adorned with inflorescences composed of dusky lavender spathes. It took us 15 years to propagate enough to initially share, so join us for this specialocasia, but please understand that our quantities are very limited.