Primula 'Prinic' PP 12,892
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Item #: 7642
Zones: 5a to 7b, at least
Dormancy: Summer, Fall
Height: 12" tall
Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade
Origin: Hybrid
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
(aka: P. 'Katy McSparron') This 1990 discovery from Geoff Nicolle of Wales originated from a cross of P. veris x P. x polyantha. P. 'Prinic' makes a 1' tall x 16" wide clump of typical primrose foliage, topped from March through April with clusters of long-lasting, double, golden-yellow fragrant flowers. Poor Geoff thought he named it after his granddaughter, but unfortunately the marketing geniuses at Blooms gave it the cultivar name 'Prinic'. Sorry Katie, one name per plant, but maybe you'll really get a plant named after you one day.

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Other Attributes
Genus: Primula
Other: Butterfly Attracting Plants