Polianthes tuberosa 'Marginata'
Variegated Tuberose
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Item #: 1156
Zones: 7a to 10b
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 8" tall
Origin: Mexico
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
Here is a collector's plant for the rock garden. This fabulous miniature variegated tuberose is a spectacular site in the small garden. This tight clump has narrow green foliage with a wide white border. When grown in sun, it also assumes a reddish cast to the foliage. In very late summer, the clump is topped by 3' tall spikes of deliciously fragrant pure white flowers. The variegated tuberose has proven extremely hardy here as well as very easy to grow.
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Genus: Polianthes