Polianthes x bundrantii 'Howard's Purple'

Opal Eyes Mexican Tuberose

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Item #: 9680

Zones: 7b to 9b, at least

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 30" tall

Culture: Part Sun

Origin: Mexico

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

(aka: Polianthes 'Howard's Purple') We are very pleased to offer a rare natural tuberose hybrid of the North American (Mexico) native Polianthes howardii and the florist tuberose Polianthes tuberosa. These were shared with us by the late bulb guru Dr. Thad Howard. Polianthes x bundrantii 'Opal Eyes' emerges to form a tight, deciduous cluster of narrow, rubbery, manfreda-like leaves topped, starting in mid-July (NC), with 30" tall stalks of small, violet, tubular flowers that are regularly visited by hummingbirds. Polianthes x bundrantii did not pick up the fragrance from the Polianthes tuberosa parent.