Pleopeltis michauxiana A19NC-057
Resurrection Fern
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Shop Available PleopeltisItem #: 2019
Zones: 6a to 10b
Dormancy: Evergreen
Height: 6" tall
Origin: United States
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
This US native is perfect for the shady rock garden where the soil is very organic (i.e.old rotted logs). It actually prefers to be strapped down on a tree, slab of wood, or a rock...sorry if this is too kinky for some of you. Resurrection fern spreads via a branching rhizome to make a nice mat...never invasive. The dwarf 4-6" long evergreen foliage resembles a miniature Christmas Fern. The term evergreen needs to be qualified since when dry, the leaves curl up like they are dead, but re-hydrate at the first sign of rain. P. polypodioides does not like high fertility, so back off the fertilizer.
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Other Attributes
Genus: Pleopeltis
Other: Plants Named After Animals , United States Native Plants