Pinellia cordata 'Yamazaki'

Yamazaki Miniature Green Dragon

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Item #: 2792

Zones: 5a to 7b, at least

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 6" tall

Culture: Light Shade to Shade

Origin: China

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Regular price $24.00
Regular price Sale price $24.00
Sale Sold out
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Next crop available: 10/04/2024

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This delightful little aroid is a real charmer for the woodland rock garden or trough container. In the wild, Pinellia cordata is usually found along moist woodland stream sides. Held atop shiny black stems are rubbery, dark green, arrowhead-shaped leaves with a velvety sheen, each prominently highlighted by silver leaf veins. In late summer, the flowering peduncle (stalk) arises from the ground to stand just above the 6" tall foliage. The miniature Jack in the pulpit-like flower boasts a long tongue (spadix) that curls just above the foliage. Pinellia cordata does produce tiny bulbils on the leaves but is not weedy like other members of the genus, particularly Pinellia ternata and Pinellia pedatisecta.