Panax japonicus
Japanese Ginseng
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Shop Available PanaxItem #: 3344
Zones: 4a to 8a
Dormancy: Winter
Height: 24" tall
Origin: Japan
Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)
Japanese ginseng is a rare woodland counterpart of our more-familiar American species, Panax ginseng. The 2' tall stalks emerge in spring from knobby white rhizomes and expand, looking like a miniature schefflera. Held above the palmate leaves are stalks of non-descript white flowers which, if fertilized, develop into magnificent fruit heads, turning from green to red and then black...all without affirmative action! So, how many polygamodioecious plants do you grow? usually needs a mate to produce seed, but on some rare occasions and with a bit of concentration, it has the ability to become bisexual on-demand.
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Other Attributes
Genus: Panax
Other: Plants from Japan