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Musa sikkimensis

Sikkim Hardy Banana, Red Banana Tree

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Item #: 3754

Zones: 8a to 10b, guessing

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 160" tall

Culture: Sun to Part Sun

Origin: Himalayan Mountains

Pot Size: 2 qt. (1.9 L)

(syn: Musa hookeri) We are excited to again offer the little-known hardy ornamental banana, Musa sikkimensis, hailing from high montane forests of the northeast Himalayas. Reportedly, the trunks can reach 14' in height with a diameter of 18" or, in other words, about the size of an NFL offensive lineman's neck. In our garden, however, we haven't been able to get it to grow much taller than 9' tall. The leaf backs emerge a dazzling cinnamon-red. To say Musa sikkimensis bananas are edible is about like saying that Himalayan bathrooms are comfortable...both have an aroma, but that's about it.