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Lycoris radiata 'Fire Tower'

Fire Tower Surprise Lily

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Item #: 12933

Zones: 6b to 9b

Dormancy: Summer

Height: 24" tall

Culture: Sun to Light Shade

Origin: China

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Regular price $28.00
Regular price Sale price $28.00
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We received this special selection of Lycoris radiata from the collection of the late lycoris legend, Sam Caldwell's selection...a plant he called "dark red". For us, the intensity of the red is darker and brighter than any of the other Lycoris radiata forms we grow, so we christened it Lycoris radiata 'Fire Tower' and are pleased to be able to share. The clusters of 6-8, small, narrow-petalled, intensely brilliant red flowers top the 2' tall stalks, starting for us in mid-September, after most of the other Lycoris radiata clones have long finished.