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Lycoris x incarniensis 'Summer Sunrise'

Summer Sunrise Surprise Lily

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Item #: 16765

Zones: 4a to 7b, probably colder

Dormancy: Summer

Height: 24" tall

Culture: Sun to Light Shade

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Lycoris 'Summer Sunrise' is an amazing previously un-named hybrid surprise lily from China by way of plantsman Jim Waddick. This is our first offering of a superb cross of Lycoris longituba x sprengeri x chinensis, which starts flowering for us in early August with a 20" tall stalk, topped with 7-8 peachy flowers with a yellow throat. In appearance, Lycoris 'Summer Sunrise' is halfway between a tube-type flower and a spider-style. We think it resembles a Lycoris x squamigera with and overlay of light yellow...simply superb. The foliage emerges in March and goes dormant in late spring. We've grown this since 2000, so it's taken us over two decades to produce enough to share.