Lycoris x incarnata 'Julyza'

Julyza Surprise Lily

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Item #: 18253

Zones: 5a to 9b

Dormancy: Summer

Height: 28" tall

Culture: Sun to Light Shade

Origin: Hybrid

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Lycoris x incarnata 'Julyza' is a 2024 Plant Delights/JLBG introduction of a previously un-named hybrid of Lycoris longituba x Lycoris sprengeri that came to us from China's Hangzhou Botanic Garden via plantsman Jim Waddick. The flowers emerge atop 28" tall spikes, in mid-July (NC) as a lovely soft pink, next picking up the blue petal tips, followed by a red wash over the pink as the flowers age. For us, the new foliage emerges in late January, but in colder climates, leaf emergence should be delayed until spring. It's taken us 25 years to build up enough stock to share, so don't expect to see it listed again for a while.