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Lespedeza thunbergii 'Spilt Milk'

Spilt Milk Variegated Bush Clover

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Item #: 7142

Zones: 4a to 9b

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 72" tall

Culture: Sun to Part Sun

Origin: Japan

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Regular price $27.00
Regular price Sale price $27.00
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(aka: Lespedeza thunbergii 'Variegata') We are always on the lookout for plants whose foliage extends the season of interest well beyond their flowering season, and one such plant is Lespedeza thunbergii 'Spilt Milk'. This Japanese selection has foliage that is heavily and consistently speckled with large, creamy, irregular flecks. The attractive leaves are held along the arching stems, tinged dark purple as they grow. The 6' tall x 8' wide deciduous clumps are topped in midsummer and again in late September with terminal clusters of lavender flowers...a superb choice!